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Updated: Oct 17, 2021

To- Serbian-Albanian film “Honeymoons” by Goran Paskaljevic


Serbian-Albanian film “Honeymoons” by Goran Paskaljevic achieved a big triumph on 54. Film Festival in Valladolid won three prizes, from international jury of critics, the main prize “Golden Spike” and Special prize in the frame of new prize for cultural diversity. Besides, this film by Paskaljevic to bring him third “Golden Spike”, what is for the first time of the Festival, one director to won main prize for the third time. But quite deserving, as “Honeymoons” is one complex and engage story, which very precisely succeed to draw the time and through irony of the happenings to talk about senselessness of nationalism, about status of immigrants and about prejudices of Europe.

“Honeymoons” is the story of Serbia and Albania, story which connected these countries with coproduction, but it has enough courage and dare through strong film language to show all nebulous political and social state in the countries because manifestate nacionalism. He don’t blame anybody, but just through warm, human and love stories reference incredible strong criticism and crucial question which often we were forgotten, what is important? Whether notorious understanding which poison young people and to prevent their way before to start, or their future which to escape in front of hopeless young people to try find out of the borders.

Paskaljevic build very interesting film, full of emotions, devotion and love, until in the same time he talks about cruelty of time, of people, politics, senseless constellation where order of powers is absolute apsurd. Because of that, the way out can be impossible even when he is reach. Two young couples parallel in two countries, even during only one day, come in front of culmination of nebulous happenings, in front of the moment when they have to decide, if away they go, although sometimes even it doesn’t enough? It’s not enough courage, readiness, fight, it’s not enough will, especially not when they have to pay sins of their forefathers.

Paskaljevic through simple language, through unbelievable realistic, natural way of the happenings in the film and excellent script, in the same time succeed to talking about very local and universal themes. Because, in the essence all human themes are universal, but the worst is when local reasons to make universal opinion. It has excellent game and cleverness in characterization of the figures and events in the film, whose flow never lose filmic, what is in that engage story never is easy. Paskaljevic and Albanian cowriter to touch and the theme of the status of immigrants and of the prejudices in front of the door of Europe, that prejudices which have a streight to take from young people the smaller hope in the search for better life.

Suncica Unevska


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